Sunday, November 6, 2011

Pickleball Rules Refresher: Was that ball out?

So the other day at pickleball some dispute arose about if the ball had touched the line or not. One side had said that it was possible that it hadn't, yet the opponents thought from their angle it had hit the court. 
The ball can only touch the court at one point. As you can see in the first photo below, the center of the ball is touching the red. So, even though part of the profile of the ball is over the top of the line, the ball is out. The second photo shows a ball that is good because the center is touching the white line. Reference: section 6C of the official USAPA rules.
photo of OUT ball photo of IN ballNote that this rule is different than the rule for tennis. A tennis ball can flatten out when it hits, so if any part of the tennis ball touches the line, it is called good.

Remember, all lines are good during the rally and the serve except for the no-volley line during the serve. A served ball that touches the no-volley line is a fault and results in loss of serve.

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