Sunday, November 6, 2011

Pickleball Rules Refresher: it touched me!

At pickleball last week, my partner was struck in the belly (he had some extra halloween candies, but nothing to say my partner had a big gut.) Would this be a fault to stop play, or should the point be replayed? 
A fault is any action that stops play or creates a violation of the rules. A fault will be declared for
the following:

7.F. The ball in play strikes a player or anything the player is wearing or carrying. There is one
exception to this rule: if the ball strikes the player’s paddle hand below the wrist, the ball is
still in play. If the ball strikes a player standing out of bounds, that player loses the rally. In
doubles, if the serve strikes the receiver’s partner, it is a point for the serving team,
providing it is not a let serve. This rule also includes balls that appear to be hit out of
bounds: during play, if you catch the ball or try to stop it from heading out of bounds, you
lose the rally.
USAPA Comment. If the player is in the process of changing hands with both hands on the
paddle, or is attempting a two-handed stroke and either hand is hit below the wrist, then
the ball is considered in play.

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