Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Pickleball Rules Refresher: Line calls

The other night at pickleball while playing with a new partner, an incident arose when a ball came hard between my partner and I down at our feet along the doubt line (middle line to the baseline.) It was on my partners side forehand, and rapidly descending from waist height to feet. My partner and I were within 2 feet of other, and passed between us and past us very fast. So fast that neither of us saw if it was in or out. We had a good idea that with its speed and trajectory it could possibly be outside the fault line, but unsure enough to make the call. One of our opponents was very quick to point out that it was in, and that he had won the point. So the question is, who makes the call?

Pickleball like most racquet sports relies on the integrity of the players in calling shots in or out. The rule of etiquette suggests that players will call the lines as honestly and fairly as they can. Players should call the lines on their side of the net and opponents will do the same on their side. Opponents should never make a call on the other side of the net unless they are asked. If a team cannot decide on a line call, then the benefit always goes to the opponent. If a team asks for an opinion from an opponent, that decision is final. If no players responsibly saw the play finish a reserve is played. Again, fairness is the rule of the day. Remember it is only a game. Keeping this in mind will prevent conflict on the court.

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