Monday, January 16, 2012

Pickleball Strategy: Control the overhit!

How Do You Know When You're Over hitting? It's easy to over hit when you are tense or when the match gets very close.
There are three surefire signs of over hitting: 1) You begin missing shots you normally make, 2) You can't understand why you're missing, and 3) You lose your "feel" for the ball. The three usually occur together.
There are two things you can do to regain your feel for the ball: a) consciously relax the muscles of your hand and forearm by flexing and relaxing the muscles and taking a few deep breaths, and b) consciously begin hitting the ball with less pace.
Hitting with less pace is the most important thing you can do because it increases your ball control. Better ball control gives your muscles better feedback and very quickly improves your timing and your feel for the ball.

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