Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Pickleball Strategy: Hocus...Focus

Certainly pickleball is a magical game! From the very first "pop pop" as you enter the court, or the way we hit that plastic whiffle ball, to its own pickleball language. It may seem or sound weird to the unknowing observer, but for those of us that play it is a "joyful addiction."
  Unfortunately today, I lost my focus as I was playing, much to the dismay of my partner. I allowed certain things to take my mind off my game. From the well meaning "professional who wanted to tell me all the things I was doing wrong, to the customers who wanted more info on the paddles they were demoing, to the kids that walked in off the street and had balls flying through our court. My focus went elsewhere, and my game followed. So what can we do?
  • Remember that games are won through winning points. Take each point individually and separately. "One point at a time" is a great mental affirmation to utilize.
  • Deliberately tell parents, siblings, friends, and others who may serve as distractions to lay low during your matches. Though they usually mean well, they can become just another distraction.
  • Practice playing with distractions in order to learn how to ignore them. Loud music, people on the court next to you, outdoors, etc. The more distractions you can throw at yourself during practice and learn how to ignore, the tougher you'll be to "crack" when the pressure is on. 
Single-minded focus on getting to each and every shot hit our way. In a tournament setting, you almost become oblivious to the world, but focused with your partner, and winning the next point, and the next one. If you miss, then do it with the next point. Small steps to focus.

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