When I first arrive at any pickleball session, first thing I do is stretch my body for 5-10 minutes, then after that I take another 5-10 minutes before I play any matches to do some drills by myself. I always start by bouncing the ball on the paddle face and keep it bouncing 20-30 times. I will start with my forehand, then backhand, then alternate, then do a hard one I'm really working on now: forehand - backhand - side rim of paddle (repeat 20x.) Practice can also be done with paddle slicing: forehand, backhand, frontwards, backwards. Then I like to find a closed door, or a wall works good to, but i like a closed door because it gives me a small target that I must concentrate on hitting in succession. When hitting my door (wall) target I practice my groundstrokes and volleys, starting at 4 feet - 8 feet - 12/15 feet if space allows. These drills will help the player to be ready sooner, be actively involved in the movement of the ball, to watch the ball engage the paddle, and improve hand-eye coordination and control.
Do these skills work for your warm-up routines?
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